Old City Hall, and new.

This week: MEET EARLY for Jane’s Walk along the DON!

But first, about last week:

A short walk was what I had in mind. So I figured: where better to see some terrific gargoyles and admire an old Toronto building… than Old City Hall?

Well, it was an enjoyable walk. And we spent a tiny bit of time admiring the gorgeous old building. And then everyone went their own way. We all had stuff to do, and I needed to be in a rush ticket lineup before 11:00. Let’s just say that I know it wasn’t the best of plans. Sorry about that!

On the other hand, we had some bright, fresh air, and saw some new things. And I went back afterwards, to give the ol’ hall a real look-around!

Have a look:

Sunday 05 May 2019:

Meet at 8:30 a.m. In the lobby of the West End YMCA.

Yes, this is an early meet-up time! We’re joining a Jane’s Walk along the Don River! We’ll take transit east, and then a different route home, later. If you want to have a preview online, here’s the Jane’s Walk Facebook listing. Please dress for any weather! Washroom breaks… at beginning and end of that two-hour walk, so watch the morning tea-intake! 🙂

This Jane’s Walk is about two hours in length. It ends relatively near the Brickworks site. So we might decide to stroll in there for a coffee break, and then catch their shuttle bus to the subway.


Soon: tulips in the Riverdale Farm ravine, murals on Rogers Road, celebrations at Fort York, Doors Open Toronto visits, and a look around 401 Richmond (including the rooftop garden).

Up ahead: gargoyles, historical houses, parks, art fairs, forests, and rivers. Maybe afternoon strawberry tea, on the island. Walking adventures ahead!

Feel free to bring a friend along to share our walks around Toronto.

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Welcome. You really should walk with us!

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